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Navigated to Terms of Your Financial Aid.


● Students are awarded financial aid based on FULL-TIME enrollment status (12 hours) unless the student informs the Financial Aid Office otherwise. Please note: CUH Scholarships are awarded at full-time status only and no proration will happen for less than full-time enrollment. Financial aid packages for students enrolled less than full-time may require adjustments. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office of his or her less than full-time enrollment status. Eligibility for awards varies with enrollment status. Students must be enrolled in an eligible program of study (a degree-seeking program) to receive any financial aid.

● If you receive any financial assistance from any source other than what is shown on your award notification, your financial aid package must be adjusted. It is the student’s responsibility to inform the Financial Aid Office of any financial assistance received of which is not listed on their award notification (ex: outside scholarship award). Chaminade University reserves the right to change the content and amount of any student’s financial aid package based on additional financial assistance received by the student at any point in the academic year.

● Your financial aid award is subject to change, or may be adjusted, at any point in the academic year due to Chaminade University’s correction(s) and/or change(s) in federal appropriations. We routinely audit our financial aid files throughout the academic year to check for accuracy. CUH reserves the right to make corrections to a student’s financial aid information as needed, and these changes may alter a student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) or award eligibility and subsequently the financial aid package. In addition, please remember that changes in your EFC due to student’s/parent’s failure to report accurate information on the FAFSA will result in award revision(s) as well. CUH reserves the right to adjust the content and/or the amount of the student’s financial aid package based on the above conditions at any point in the academic year.

● If you correct your Student Aid Report (SAR) after you have been awarded, your financial aid package may be adjusted in accordance with federal regulations at any point in the academic year. CUH reserves the right to adjust the content and/or the amount of the student’s financial aid package based on the above conditions at any point in the academic year. CUH also reserves the right to make any changes necessary to reflect accurate information if conflicting information is found.

● If you withdraw after the term begins, your financial aid package is subject to proration as set forth in the federal regulations. If, after the federally prescribed proration is calculated, we have to reduce your financial aid package, you may owe a balance on your account. This balance is your responsibility to pay, not CUH’s responsibility. Institutional aid (including scholarships) may be prorated if tuition charges are adjusted. For further information please visit Withdrawal and Return of Title IV Aid Policy.

● Contents of the student’s financial aid file are the property of the Chaminade University of Honolulu’s Financial Aid Office. These files are considered confidential information. Requests by the student to review his or her file must be made in writing. Requests by the dependent student’s parent(s) to review the student’s file must be made in writing, and the student must give his or her written consent to release the information. Once a request is received, CUH has 45 days to make the requested information available for review. This review will take place in the Financial Aid Office at a time convenient for the student, dependent student’s parent(s) and the Financial Aid Office, within office hours. This review will NOT take place the same day the written request for review is received by the Financial Aid Office. Requests by anyone other than the student and/or the parent(s) must be approved by the student. A Consent to Release Information must be completed by the student and submitted to the Office of the Registrar. This policy is in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, 20 USC § 1232g and 34 CFR § 99.

● In the case of a divorced/separated student, the ex-spouse is not privileged to any financial aid information on the student.

● In the case of a divorced/separated parent of a dependent student, the non-custodial parent is not privileged to any financial aid information regarding the student unless that non-custodial parent’s financial information was used to calculate the student’s eligibility for financial aid.

● For the protection of the student, as well as the protection of the staff of the Financial Aid Office, we will not release information regarding the student’s financial aid package over the phone. Students are required to authenticate their identity by presenting a government-issued picture ID. A CUH ID card will suffice. Information may not be released without the presence of valid identity authentication items. No specifics may be released via the phone or email because of not being able to authenticate the individual’s identity. For email communication purposes, students are to use the CUH student email for communication with the Financial Aid Office.

● Students must apply for need-based financial aid each year; financial aid awards are NOT automatically renewable. We cannot guarantee that the same level of funding will be available each academic year. Funding levels from the federal government and the University change each year. As a result, need-based financial aid packages may vary annually in content as well as total amounts from year to year. If students are awarded an incoming merit-based scholarship, this scholarship is a discount on full-time tuition, not physical money, and is awarded for a maximum of four consecutive academic years. The Financial Aid Office at CUH reserves the right to change packaging policies annually.

● If your permanent home address changes at any time, it is your responsibility to notify the University of your change of address immediately.

● Because the Financial Aid Office communicates with you via your CUH student email address, it is your responsibility to ensure you are reviewing your email for any communications from our office.

● Students who leave the University through transfer, graduation, or any other form of leave are not entitled to the remaining eligibility of institutional aid/scholarships and will forfeit such remaining eligibility.

● Students attending the summer sessions may be eligible for financial aid based on eligibility for the academic year. Federal funds, i.e. student loans are based on an annual limit. The annual amount is a set amount for the year and whatever amount has been utilized already for the year will not be available for the remaining terms in that academic year. This includes if loan funds were utilized at another post-secondary school during a previous term in the academic year. The student must be enrolled in at least 6 credits during the summer session to receive a student loan.

● Current year financial aid may not be used to pay prior year balances.

●        Students who have student loans and withdraw from school or drop below half-time enrollment must complete Exit Counseling– even if the student returns the next term.  If Exit Counseling is completed, a student must complete a new Entrance Counseling before they are able to take out any additional federal student loans.

●        Students have the right to adjust, either through the Self-Service Portal or through a request with the Financial Aid Office, their student loans provided it does not exceed the annual loan limit and the CUH cost of attendance (maximum budget).

●        International students are not eligible for institutional scholarships or grants.  Only US Citizens and Eligible Non-Citizens are eligible for federal financial aid through FAFSA.  International students may apply for an alternative loan (outside private student loans), provided they are eligible with the lender they have selected.

●        The Financial Aid Office reserves the right to deny a student a loan – federal or alternative – based on specific federal guidelines and/or institutional policies. Students who have previously defaulted on a student loan may be denied on a case-by-case basis.

●        Financial Aid will disburse to a student’s account in the Business Office no earlier than 10 days before the start of the term.  If said funds generate a credit in the students account, the earliest a refund will be generated, via the student selected refund choice, is the first Friday after the term begins.  Notifications are sent out to new students to select a refund method with Bank Mobile.  It is the student’s responsibility to make a selection.  If no selection is made, a refund check is mailed to the address on file.

●        Refunds are generated no later than 14 days after the credit has been created, unless the student requests otherwise in writing.

●        Students (and parent’s with PLUS loan excess funds) have the right to to complete an FSA Credit Authorization Form to change how the federal aid credit is handled.  This form is available on the portal and through the Financial Aid Office.

●        A student may NOT receive financial aid at two schools simultaneously. This is not allowed by federal law. Should this be discovered, aid may be removed at CUH and the student will have a balance due to the Business Office.

●        A student with a bachelor’s degree who wishes to return to CUH and receive an additional bachelor’s degree must be in a degree program other than the one previously completed.  If a student is seeking a second degree of the same type (i.e. BA received and seeking a second BA), they will not be eligible for federal aid.  If seeking a different degree (i.e. BA received and seeking a BS for second degree) students will not be eligible for Pell/FSEOG grants but may be eligible for student loans, provided FAFSA shows eligibility and they have not reached their undergraduate lifetime aggregate limit (no more that $23,000 Subsidized loan and total cannot exceed $31,000 for dependent students and $57,500 for independent students).


A listing of the Cost of Attendance can be found by visiting: Cost of Attendance – Chaminade University of Honolulu

For information regarding billing and payment options, please visit: Student Billing and Payment – Chaminade University of Honolulu