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Dean: Dr. Rhoberta Haley

Associate Dean: Dr. Pamela Smith

Program Advisors:  Dr. Donna Bernhard, Dr. Sandra Bourgette-Henry, Dr. Kathleen Burger, Ms. Denise Cooper, Ms. Bree Dalton, Dr. Lory Gaskill, Dr. Brett Howard, Ms. Anela LaBore, Dr. Linda Malone, Ms. Alexandra McInerny, Dr. Dana Monday, Dr. Jennifer Nafarrete, Dr. Lorin Ramocki, Dr. Julieta Rosado, Ms. Joy Ryan, Dr. Pamela Smith, Dr. Kathleen Wachutka

Nursing Mission Statement

The School of Nursing and Health Professions lives out the mission of the University by educating students to be competent and caring nursing professionals who will promote optimal health and high standards of practice, decrease health-related disparities in society, and enhance quality of life for their patients in a dynamic health care environment.

BSN program relationship to the University Mission and Identity

The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program at Chaminade University recognizes its Catholic/Marianist tradition and strives to promote the principles that make Chaminade a unique place for nursing education. These principles include educating for formation in faith, hope, and love; providing quality education; maintaining and developing a family spirit and sense of community; providing service and working towards a peaceful and just world; and preparing students for adaptation and change. The cohort approach to the program encourages and fosters a sense of community amongst its members. Quality education is the goal as we seek to prepare competent nurses who will work towards improving the human condition and promoting and leading the profession of nursing.

The BSN degree at Chaminade University provides students with foundational nursing knowledge and skill necessary for professional nursing practice in a liberal arts and values-based educational environment. The program is committed to the holistic development of its students: intellectually, spiritually, physically, emotionally, and socially.

The Catholic, Marianist identity of Chaminade University emphasizes preparation for life, service, and career success. Within this framework, a vocational and professional emphasis characterizes the Chaminade School of Nursing. The BSN program prepares students for work in a variety of health care settings within Hawaii, the Pacific region, the U.S. mainland, and globally. The demographic composition of the School of Nursing reflects that of Chaminade (a Federally-designated Native Hawaiian serving institution), with a significant proportion of Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students. An emphasis on cultural competence, and on the significance of post-graduate contributions to society, leads Chaminade nursing graduates to contribute to the health and wellness of their communities and to a reduction of healthcare disparities in the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander populations.

BSN Program Goals

The goals of the BSN program are congruent with the University’s academic vision and are as follows:

  1. Provide a program leading to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in which students are able to achieve the knowledge, skills, and Marianist values necessary for professional nursing practice and leadership in health care.

  2. Ensure an educational foundation in the biological, physical, and social sciences as well as in the humanities all of which are essential to professional nursing practice

  3. Foster an attitude of intellectual and critical inquiry that promotes evidence-based practice

  4. Provide an educational experience that emphasizes engagement of students through active learning

  5. Create a collegial environment that fosters professional development of students including life-long learning scholarship, and leadership

  6. Prepare students for professional nursing roles in a dynamic health care environment

  7. Prepare students to sit for the NCLEX examination and practice as a professional Registered Nurse

  8. Provide a foundation for graduate study

The BSN program leads to eligibility to apply for professional licensure in all 50 states.

BSN Transfer Credits

Transfer credits over 5 years old intended to fulfil science pre-requisite courses in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing program must be retaken.

BSN Program Progression Information

BSN Minimum GPA

Student must maintain a GPA of 2.50 throughout the course of study and earn a grade of C or higher in all Nursing pre-major and major courses to progress. A GPA of 2.50 in nursing major courses is required for graduation.

 BSN students earning less than a “C” in a non-clinical course

If a student earns a grade less than a "C" in a Nursing course, the student must repeat the course and achieve a grade of "C" or higher in order to progress in the nursing curriculum. The student may only repeat a Nursing major course one time.

 BSN students earning less than a “C” in a Nursing CLINICAL course

If a student earns a grade of less than “C” in any clinical nursing course, they may repeat the course one time, space available (with no withdrawal). The student may not progress to a new clinical course until the failed clinical course is repeated and passed.

 If a student received an Incomplete “I” grade in a Nursing clinical course, the student may not progress to a new clinical course until the Incomplete course is successfully completed with a grade of “C” or higher.

Nursing faculty advisor and Clinical Placement coordinator permissions are required to repeat a clinical course due to the requirements for clinical placement planning and space limitations. Health compliance must be current.

 A second NUR course failure will cause dismissal from the BSN program – either the same course twice or two separate courses.

 Withdrawal from a BSN course

Student may withdraw from a Nursing (NUR) course at a passing level for non-academic reasons only one time, and then must successfully complete the course, space available, with a grade of “C” or better to progress in the program. Individual circumstances are subject to review by the Dean. If a student is failing the course at the time of withdrawal- this constitutes a failed course in the BSN program.

 Withdrawal from the BSN program

Students withdrawing from the BSN program for any reason must meet with their Nursing Faculty Advisor to initiate this process.

If a student has not responded to contact from their Nursing faculty advisor or the SONHP office and has been inactive or not enrolled in classes in the BSN program for a semester, the student will automatically be withdrawn from the BSN program.

 Re-admission to BSN program

Re-admission after withdrawal for any reason must be approved by the Dean, based on the individual circumstances related to the reason for withdrawal. Student submits a written request for re-admission to the Dean.

BSN program dismissal

Grounds for dismissal from the nursing program include, but are not limited to, the following:

·        Fail two NUR courses - either the same course twice or two separate courses.

·        Failure to disclose pertinent health or legal information, including background check and drug screening information, that can adversely affect the ability of the SONHP to arrange required clinical placements.

·        Failure to maintain confidentiality of patient, healthcare agency, University, SONHP simulation/lab/classroom, and/or peer information.

·        Failure to maintain the minimum Nursing major GPA of 2.50.

·        Violation of student policies in the SONHP BSN Program Student Handbook.

 Re-admission to the BSN program after dismissal is very rare and is at the discretion of the Dean.