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Internship Programs

All fields of study at Chaminade encourage their students to apply their academic study to on-the-job experience. Faculty may ask students to work with a specific organization or students may develop internship possibilities on their own. Policies of each discipline as confirmed by faculty advisors determine the suitability of an internship and the amount of academic credit to be granted within the following University guidelines:

Purpose and Objectives:

• To provide an opportunity for students to apply their knowledge and skills in a professional environment

• To provide an opportunity for students to perform professional duties

• To provide students with professional supervision and criticism

• To provide an opportunity for students to develop contacts and references for future careers


Students in the internship program will have both a faculty advisor and a professional supervisor. The faculty advisor confers with the professional supervisor and determines the grade for the internship. While the specific duties of each internship will vary, the faculty advisor is responsible for ensuring the academic value of the work performed. The professional supervisor ensures that the student works in a professional atmosphere. The supervisor also guides, advises and evaluates the intern’s work, attitude, skills, knowledge, and training.


Policies of each discipline as confirmed by the faculty advisor will determine the necessary prerequisites for a particular internship. Normally the intern should have at least junior-level standing, but in special cases, sophomores will be considered. Because each student who enters the internship program represents Chaminade in the community, the faculty advisor ensures that students who participate in the program have the academic training and dispositions necessary for the positions they will fill.

Minimum Requirements

Policies of each discipline as confirmed by the faculty advisor will determine the minimum requirements for an internship, including the number of on-duty internship hours. Generally, students who participate in the program for academic credit will be expected to analyze their experience in a paper or journal and have regular meetings with their faculty advisor.

Academic Credit

Policies of each discipline as confirmed by the faculty advisor decide the number of on-the-job hours required for academic credit. Also depending on the policies of each discipline as confirmed by the faculty advisor, the internship may be completed for a grade or for a Credit/No Credit option. Depending on the organization with which they work, students may or may not receive a salary for their internship experience.

Setting up an Internship

Students interested in Chaminade’s Internship program should contact their program advisor or the internship coordinator in the Office of Student Success.