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Course Descriptions


POL 111 Comparative Government and Politics (3)

Survey of the various areas of political science to include a comparative study of the government and politics of the United States and selected European, Asian, Latin American, or African nations. Offered annually.

POL 211 American Government and Politics (3)

An examination of how Washington works through a study of the dynamics of the American political system. Includes a review of the Constitution, the Congress, the presidency, the bureaucracy, the courts, elections, and the media. Offered annually.

English 102 and Communication 101 are prerequisites for all upper division courses.

POL 305 Contemporary America (3)

Analyses of the forced that shaped contemporary American, focusing on the Cold War, the Civil Rights Movement and the counter-cultural movements of the 1960s. Fulfills interdisciplinary course requirement. Cross-listed with HI 305. Offered alternate years.

POL 324 Modern Europe (3)

Europe from 1815 to the present gained global hegemony and then lost it after World War II. Analyzes developments leading to the world wars and the Cold War, the rise of the European Common Market, and the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe. Fulfills interdisciplinary course requirement. Cross-listed with HI 324. Offered alternate years.

POL 341 Vietnam War (3)

This course examines why the United States went to war in the jungles of Southeast Asia that few Americans knew anything about. Students will examine the nature of the war itself, the tactics and strategies applied by both sides to the conflict, and experiences of soldiers on both sides. Central to the war effort, the home fronts held the keys to success or failure for both sides. Along with historical and political knowledge, the course emphasized the development of reading, writing, speaking, cognitive and collaborative skills. Cross-listed with HI 341. Offered alternate years.

POL 344 Modern Southeast Asia (3)

This course surveys the history of Southeast Asia from the nineteenth century to the present. It considers the nature of the traditional communities of Southeast Asia, the imposition and impact of western colonial rules, the emergence and activities of anti-colonial movements, the formation of sovereign states, the effects of the Cold War, and contemporary politics. Fulfills Global Awareness course requirement. Cross-Listed with HI 344. Offered alternate years.

POL 345 Comparative Asian Politics (3)

A study of the governments, politics, foreign affairs, defense policies, political economy and internal socio-economic conditions of selected Asian nations. Special emphasis rests on the explosive political, economic and military changes taking place in contemporary Asia, including the rise of China. Offered alternate years.

POL 347 Justice, Development and Human Rights (3)

This course examines the inter-relationships between justice, development and human rights norms and institutions at the global level. Students will explore the historical development of these concepts and their application and evolution from the 19th century to the present. Particular emphasis will be placed on the contemporary dialogue between Catho0lic Social Thought and secular international institutions that sets global norms for justice, human development and the international human rights regime. Cross-listed with RE 347. Prerequisite: RE 103, RE 205, or RE 211. Offered annually. This course satisfies the 300-level religion general education requirement.

POL 374 International Law (3)

A review of the development of international law and the study of how international law works and why states obey it. Offered alternate years.

POL 375 International Relations (3)

This course introduces students to the most relevant themes in the discipline of international relations, with its primary aim being the development of a better understanding of the ideas and other forces that shape relationships among nations. It considers the history and principal theories of international relations, as well as the systems, processes, and actors that condition world politics and their contending conceptualizations.

POL 401 U.S. Constitution I (3)

Examines the nature of law and constitutionalism in the United States, with an emphasis on the struggles for power and calls for accountability from various sectors. Cross-Listed with HI 401. Offered alternate years.

POL 402 U.S. Constitution II (3)

Examines the evolution of civil liberties in the United States, including free speech, religious liberties, rights of the accused and the right to privacy. Cross-Listed with HI 402. Offered alternate years.

POL 403 American Diplomacy (3)

A study of America’s international relations from 1776 to the present, including the influence of domestic affairs on diplomacy. Cross-Listed with HI 403. Offered alternate years.

POL 419 Contemporary World Order (3)

This course considers the rapid changes and new challenges facing humanity in the contemporary era. Using the “Rise and Fall of Great Powers” as its conceptual background, this course explores the emergence of a new world order, with special emphasis on the rise of China and other emerging market economies, accelerated globalization (i.e., the economic, cultural, and political integration of global communities), growing economic and social inequalities, as well as new social movements and key security issues. Cross-listed with HI 419.

POL 438 Globalization and Capitalism (3)

This course introduces students to the study of political economy. It surveys the thought of political economists ranging from Adam Smith, Karl Marx and Joseph Schumpeter to contemporary thinkers. It also analyzes the contemporary global capitalist system as it affects inequalities, varieties of capitalism, U.S. competiveness, the dynamics of the international financial system and the sustainability of the globe’s environment. Cross-listed with HI 438. Fulfills either the interdisciplinary or global awareness requirement.

POL 439 Global Financial Crises (3)

The international financial crisis that originated in the U.S. subprime mortgage market has deeply affected the global political economy. It indicates a shift in economic power away from the advanced economies of Europe, the United States and Japan to rapidly emerging economies such as China, India and Brazil. Indeed, the crisis is likely to trigger fundamental changes in the institutional architecture of international finance and the geo-economic landscape of globalization. This course aims to provide a macro-perspective on the evolution of the global financial system since 1850, an analysis of the origins of the 2008 Financial Crisis and the likely consequences of this crisis for the global political economy to students. Cross-listed with HI 439.

POL 441 Dynasties of China

Why did China invade Tibet in 1949, the most peaceful nation in the world?  Was Confucius popular in his lifetime?  What do the Chinese people consider as their best dynasty and why?  Did you know that China had a female emperor?  Her name was Wu Zetain.  These and many more fascinating questions will be answered in this course about the dynastic history of Pre-Modern China. Cross listed with HI-441.

POL 442 Modern China (3)

Examines China’s internal and external struggles in the modern world. Including the rise and fall of the China dynasty, the Nationalist period, the civil war and communist rule. Cross-listed with HI 442.

POL 444 Modern Japan (3)

Study of the rise, fall and rebirth of Modern Japan, focusing on her internal politics, economics and culture, and how they relate to her internal posture. Cross-listed with HI 444. Fulfills either interdisciplinary or global awareness requirement. Offered alternate years.

POL 446 Modern Middle East (3)

A study of the modern history, politics and culture of the Middle East, with emphases on the Arab-Israeli conflict, oil, Islam and the analyses of different governments and policies. Cross-listed with HI 446. Offered alternate years.

POL 451 Modern Hawaii (3)

This course will examine Hawaii and its peoples' pasts, focusing on the rise of the Monarchy and the challenges that led to its overthrow through the issues that confront Native Hawaiians and the people living In Hawaii today. Through these significant moments In Hawaii History we will discuss how the people, Native Hawaiian and not, adapted to these changes and each other. During the first half of this course, through the use of oral histories, cultural mythology, as well as traditional documentation we will examine the core cultural beliefs that shaped, guided and defined the Native Hawaiian people and the Kingdom of Hawaii as they confronted massive changes introduced to Hawaii through the rise of global Imperialism. The second half of this course will focus on the overthrow of the Monarchy, Hawall's subsequent annexation to the United States of America and the Issues confronted by the people of Hawaii as a territory and state within the US. Along with historical knowledge the course emphasizes the development of reading, writing, speaking, cognitive and collaborative skills crucial to success In college and the employment community. Offered alternate years. Prerequisite: any 100 or 200 level history courses, EN 102, and COM 101.

POL 453 Modern Pacific Islands (3)

This course examines the impact and legacy of imperialism and colonialism on the indigenous inhabitants of the Pacific. Examining the Pacific from the 18th century to the present, this course focuses on the emergence of the Pacific as a distinct and influential region in today’s global community and how indigenous islanders have adapted and fared during this post- colonial period. Cross-listed with HI 453. Fulfills Global Awareness course requirement. Offered alternate years.

POL 475 History and Politics of Film (3)

This course is an inquiry into the relationship between film, history, and politics. It will examine how film is shaped by the politics, economics and culture of the society in which it is created. It will also study how film reflects that culture. It will relate how class, gender, ethnicity and other issues relate to the making and interpreting of film. Questions on morality, justice, service and community will be central to the course. Cross-listed with HI 475. Offered alternate years.

POL 480 Special Topics (3)

Selected topics on any aspect of political science or international studies to be announced. Prerequisite: varies according to topic.

POL 486 Legislative Internship (1 to 15)

Internship with the City Council, State Legislature or Congress. A maximum of six semester hours may be applied to the major requirement. Offered according to sessions, junior or senior standing and consent of program advisor. Prerequisite: major in Historical and Political Studies.

POL 490 Directed Study (1 to 3)

Individualized study on a topic arranged through program advisor. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing or consent of program advisor.

POL 494 Research Seminar (3)

This is a capstone course that explores the core principles and methodologies of historical and political studies. It also monitors the students’ career preparation. In this course, the student will conduct research in history and political science (learning outcome 4). Utilizing this research, the student will write a research paper and present it in class (learning outcome 4). The research paper written by the student will incorporate the following principles and methodologies: understanding change, continuity and causality (learning outcome 1), comprehension of the workings of politics and governance (learning outcome 2), awareness of perspectives and interpretations (learning outcome 3). During the course, the instructor will review the progress of each student in preparing for his or her career (learning outcome 5). Prerequisites: Students must be in their junior or senior year; will complete a minimum of 18 credits of the major in the semester they enroll in HI/POL 494; and have the permission of the discipline coordinator to enroll in this course.

POL 498 Why No Aliens? Humanity's Challenges (3)

Why have no extraterrestrial or alien beings made contact with us? What may seem like a quirky, even trivial question is a conundrum of profound scientific, philosophical, cultural, and even existential importance, raising questions about our very future on earth. This course covers various insights into the question, including the Fermi Paradox, Drake Equation, Kardashev Scale, and, in particular, the concept of the Great Filter. The major focus rests on students engaging with the challenges facing humanity in the 21st Century. These challenges include, among others, the rapid advance of technology, widening global inequalities, weapons of mass destruction, financial crises, the growth of armed extremism, climate change, and geopolitical tensions. In a self-initiated and self-guided fashion, but in collaboration with classmates, students will focus on one of these major challenges. They will assemble a portfolio of research materials to generate a perspective and argument of their own. Students can thus creatively engage in critical thinking and Marianist values.