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Master of Business Administration (MBA) Requirements

Foundation Courses

Accounting and quantitative skills are prerequisites for the MBA program. These prerequisites may be waived for students who have completed undergraduate course work in financial and managerial accounting (two accounting courses) and a quantitative methods or statistics course with a grade of “B” or better. Transcripts of applicants to the MBA program are reviewed to determine whether these prerequisites have been met.

Chaminade offers three foundation courses for entering students who have not completed the required courses in accounting and quantitative methods:

MBA 510

Financial Accounting for Managers

MBA 520

Analytical Skills for Managers

MBA 530

Business Foundations

Students should complete foundation course work during their first two terms in the MBA program.

Core Courses

Eight core courses are required. The core courses provide the common knowledge essential to preparation for management and leadership roles.

MBA 600

Leading People in Organizations

MBA 601

Economic Analysis for Managers

MBA 602

Managerial Ethics and Decision Making

MBA 610

Managerial Accounting

MBA 611

Managerial Finance

MBA 612 or

MBA 730

Managerial Marketing

Services Marketing

MBA 613 or

MBA 617

Human Resource Management

Operations Management

MBA 800

Strategic Management

Students with a substantial academic background in a core area (normally a major at the undergraduate level) are encouraged to request substituting a more advanced course for the core course.

Elective Courses

Four elective courses are required for students who do not declare a concentration. Elective courses enable students to develop specialized knowledge and skills in one or more areas of interest. Electives may be focused in one area or may cover a variety of topics. Where a core course area offers a choice (e.g. MBA 613 or MBA 617), a student may take both and use one course to fulfill core requirements and the other to fulfill elective requirements. Foundation courses MBA 510 and MBA 520 must be taken or waived before enrolling in elective courses.

Students may select any four electives from the following list of regular course offerings. Special topics courses (MBA 780) are also offered regularly, providing additional elective choices. Students may also engage in internships (MBA 798) or directed studies (MBA 799) to fulfill elective units from the following:

General Business

MBA 701


MBA 702

Business Law

MBA 708

International Business Management

MBA 722

Information Technology

MBA 730

Services Marketing


MBA 752

Financial Analysis and Applications

MBA 754

Investment Management

MBA 756

International Finance


MBA 707

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

MBA 761

Leading Organizational Change

MBA 762

Project Management

MBA 763

Professional Development

Not-for-profit Management

MBA 739

Not-for Profit Organizations

MBA 740

Social Enterprise Management

MBA 741

Government Relations

MBA 764

Strategic Issues in Philanthropy


The MBA program offers five concentrations: Accounting, Island Business, Not-for-Profit Management, Healthcare Administration, and Science and Technology Innovation. If a concentration is chosen, it must be declared with the program office and will be noted on the student’s permanent record. Twelve credits within the concentration course work must be completed.

Not-for-profit Management Concentration
The Not-for-Profit MBA concentration prepares students for management and leadership positions in not-for-profit enterprises such as charities, hospitals, and churches. Acquiring funding and delivering services requires managers and leaders who bring business knowledge and skills to these social enterprises.

The program of study for students with a Not-for-Profit Management concentration includes the following course work:

MBA 600

Leading People in Organizations

MBA 601

Economic Analysis for Managers

MBA 602

Managerial Ethics and Decision Making

MBA 610

Managerial Accounting

MBA 611

Managerial Finance

MBA 612 or

MBA 730

Managerial Marketing

Services Marketing

MBA 613 or

MBA 617

Human Resource Management

Operations Management

MBA 739

Not-for-Profit Organizations

MBA 740

Social Enterprise Management

MBA 741

Government Relations

MBA 764

Strategic Issues in Philanthropy

MBA 800

Strategic Management

Accounting Concentration
The Accounting MBA is designed for students who have completed undergraduate degrees in accounting and who need additional course work to fulfill the academic requirements for taking the CPA Exam and achieving CPA certification. The concentration fulfills both the CPA requirements and requirements for an MBA. Incoming MBA students who do not have an undergraduate degree in accounting may pursue and accounting concentration but will need to complete additional undergraduate level accounting course work before taking advanced MBA accounting courses. Students may take non-accounting MBA courses while completing the undergraduate accounting courses.

Prerequisite Undergraduate Accounting Courses
The following Chaminade undergraduate accounting courses, or equivalent from another accredited college or university, are required before taking advanced graduate accounting courses. Entering students with an undergraduate accounting major will have typically fulfilled the following requirements in their undergraduate program:

AC 201

Principles of Accounting I

AC 202

Principles of Accounting II

AC 301

Intermediate Accounting I

AC 302

Intermediate Accounting II

AC 306

Tax Concepts

AC 404


The program of study for students with an Accounting concentration include the following course work:

MBA 600

Leading People in Organizations

MBA 601

Economic Analysis for Managers

MBA 602

Managerial Ethics and Decision Making

MBA 611

Managerial Finance

MBA 612

Managerial Marketing

MBA 613

Human Resource Management

MBA 616

Not-for-Profit Accounting

MBA 770

Accounting Information Systems

MBA 776

Advanced Financial Accounting

MBA 778

Corporate and Partnership Taxation

MBA 779

Advanced Accounting Theory

MBA 800

Strategic Management

Island Business Concentration
Stories in the news daily alert us to the challenges facing Hawai’i…its land, people and economy. Waste dispersal threatens the environment, the cost of living challenges our communities, and reliance on external resources challenges our economy, for example. Current business models, often reflecting continental perspectives and approaches, exacerbate these challenges. The Island Business concentration at Chaminade is designed to build on core MBA course work and prepare students to do business in and contribute, to a mature, thriving Hawai’i or other island setting.

The program of study for students with an Island Business concentration include the following coursework:

MBA 600

Leading People in Organizations

MBA 601

Economic Analysis for Managers

MBA 602

Managerial Ethics and Decision Making

MBA 610

Managerial Accounting

MBA 611

Managerial Finance

MBA 612

Managerial Marketing

MBA 613 or
MBA 617

Human Resource Management or

Operations Management

MBA 786

Island Business and Aina

MBA 787

Island Business and Maka’ainana

MBA 788

Island Business and Kuleana

MBA 789

Island Business and Po’okela

MBA 800

Strategic Management

Healthcare Administration Concentration

The program of student for students with a Healthcare Administration concentration include the following coursework:

HCM 700

Determinants of Health in Individuals and Populations

HCM 701

Healthcare Informatics, Data and Biostatistics

HCM 702

Healthcare Ethics

HCM 703

Healthcare Policy and Economics

HCM 704

Healthcare Systems Design and Leadership

HCM 705

Healthcare Finance and Payment Models

Science and Technology Innovation Concentration

The program of study for students with a Science and Technology Innovation concentration include the following coursework:

STM 601

The S&T Endeavor: Science, technology, society and the biosphere

STM 602

Data Visualization and Analytics for Innovation and Business Development

STM 603

Regulatory and Legal Environment for S&T

STM 604

Technology Commercialization

Online MBA Courses
Chaminade University MBA students may now complete their entire MBA program on campus, online, or through a combination of on-campus, and online course work. All core MBA courses are offered online at least once each academic year. Many, but not all, MBA elective courses are also offered online throughout the year. Students may take both online and on-ground classes in the program. They do not have to choose only one format. Please work with the MBA Program Manager to ensure that you are able to complete your program of study with your preferred course format(s).

Transfer Credit Policy
A maximum of six credit hours may be transferred or substituted for the 36 credit hours required for the MBA degree. Students requesting to transfer or substitute credits should submit a written request to the MBA program Manager for consideration of transfer or substitution credit hours, and should include a course syllabus for each course to be evaluated. All transfer or substitution credit hours must have been earned from an accredited university of college at the graduate level with a letter grade of “B” or higher and must be approved by the MBA Program Director.

Attendance Policy
Our attendance policy allows one absence per course without penalty. Students are expected to makeup work. A second absence, if permitted by the instructor, requires additional work to be completed as arranged with the instructor. A third or subsequent absence is not acceptable, the course will need to be repeated if there are three or more absences.