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Course Descriptions


BC 203 General Chemistry I (3)

A study of the general concepts and basic principles of chemistry: properties of matter, atomic and molecular structure, theories of bonding, chemical reactions and stoichiometry, equilibria, and ions in aqueous solution. Prerequisites: MA 103. Concurrent registration in BC 203L required. An optional 4th hour recitation may be offered in support of development of problem-solving skills in general chemistry.

BC 203L General Chemistry I Laboratory (1)

Inorganic qualitative and quantitative analysis with emphasis on gravimetric, volumetric, and spectrophotometric techniques. One three-hour laboratory period per week to accompany BC 203.
Corequisite: BC 203

BC 204 General Chemistry II (3)

Continuation of CH 203. Acids and bases, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, additional aspects of chemical equilibria, descriptive chemistry.
Prerequisites: MA 110, BC 203, BC 203L or equivalent.
Corequisites: MA 110, BC 204L

BC 204L General Chemistry II Laboratory (1)

One three-hour laboratory period per week to accompany BC 204.
Corequisite: BC 204

BC 215 Cellular and Organismal Biology I (3)

Introduction to animal and plant diversity, with emphasis on form and function, mechanisms of regulation in biological systems, and how organisms exchange materials and energy with their environment.
Corequisite: BI 100, BC 215L

BC 215L Cellular and Organismal Biology I Laboratory (1)

Laboratory section accompanying BC 215.
Corequisite: BC 215

BC 216 Cellular and Organismal Biology II (3)

Introduction to the cell and molecular biology of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms, with particular reference to the relationships between structure and functions. Cell cycle and mitosis. Organization of cells, roles of cell signaling and extracellular environment in establishing structures in animals and plants.
Prerequisite: BC 215, BC 215L

BC 216L Cellular and Organismal Biology II Laboratory (1)

Laboratory section accompanying BC 216.
Prerequisite: BC 215L
Corequisite: BC 216

BC 307 Molecular Biology I Genes and Genetics (3)

Life cycles and meiosis. Mendelian inheritance. Population genetics. Chromosomal and molecular basis of inheritance. Flow of genetic information. Determining structure and function of genes. Mutation and DNA repair systems. Genetic basis of disease, DNA technology, typing and population genetics. Introduction to genomics and epigenetics.
Prerequisites: BI 216, BI 216L, EN 102, COM 101

BC 307L Molecular Biology I Laboratory Genes and Genetics (1)

Laboratory section accompanying BI 307.
Prerequisites: BI 216, BI 216L, EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BI 307

BC 323 Organic Chemistry I (4)

Chemistry of carbon compounds is investigated according to the functional group classification. A full understanding of organic reaction mechanisms is emphasized in order to guide the students through numerous reactions. Three- dimensionality of carbon compounds is introduced and referred to in the context of relevant reactions.
Prerequisites: BC 204. BC 204L, EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BC 323L

BC 323L Organic Chemistry I Laboratory (1)

Separation and purification techniques such as distillation, recrystallization, and liquid-liquid extraction are introduced. Having performed several functional interconversion reactions, students are competent enough to carry out multi-step syntheses by the end of the semester.
Prerequisite: EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BC 323

BC 324 Organic Chemistry II (4)

Spectroscopic methods such as IR, NMR, MS, and UV/VIS are introduced to solve structural identifications of the different classes of compounds studied in the first semester. The chemistry of carbonyl compounds is investigated in detail and principles of multi-step syntheses are introduced. Biologically relevant molecules such as saccharides, amino acids, peptides, and nucleic acids are studied with the strong implication that structural features and principal chemical behaviors of these molecules are related to their biological functions.
Prerequisites: BC 323, BC 323L, EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BC 324L

BC 324L Organic Chemistry II Laboratory (1)

Students are trained to carry out more complex reactions using sensitive reagents. Most of the semester is used to learn to determine partial and full structures of organic compounds utilizing qualitative chemical and spectroscopic analyses. Hands- on training with the actual instruments and with computerized simulations is offered. Students are also introduced to microscale reaction techniques and apparatus.
Prerequisite: BC 323, BC 323L, EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BC 324

BC 334 Analytical Chemistry (3)

A one-semester course in analytical chemistry where separation techniques and quantitative identifications of chemical entities are discussed. The quantitative techniques include gravimetric, volumetric, and potentiometric analyses. Sampling techniques and the statistical treatment of data are also discussed.
Prerequisites: BC 204, BC 323, EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BC 334L

BC 334L Analytical Chemistry Laboratory (1)

One three-hour laboratory period per week to accompany BC 334.
Prerequisites: EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BC 334

BC 360 Biochemistry I (3)

This is the first part of a year-long course where the vast knowledge of biochemistry is filtered through a rational perspective guided by general chemical and biological principles. Following a survey and review of common classes of biologically significant metabolites such as peptides, carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids, as well as equally important smaller molecules, the emphasis is shifted to biological thermodynamics and enzyme mechanisms. During the latter part of the course the  broad spectrum of principles studies is utilized to cover individual metabolic pathways in detail.
Prerequisites: BC324 or CH 324, BC 324L or CH 324L , EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BC 360L

BC 360L Biochemistry I Laboratory (1)

Students gain experience in the isolation, purification, identification, and quantification of biologically important molecules. Spectroscopic, chromatographic, as well as chemical modification techniques are used in identifying peptides and proteins. Enzyme kinetic studies are carried out for quantification purposes.
Prerequisites: BC 324L or CH 324L, EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BC 360

BC 362 Biochemistry II (3)

This is the second part of the year-long biochemistry course, which starts with photosynthesis giving students a chance to review topics discussed during the previous semester such as oxidative phosphorylation and carbohydrate metabolisms. Continuing with individual metabolic pathways, lipids and amino acids are explored. The second half of the semester is mostly dedicated to nucleic acids, starting with nucleotide metabolism followed by a detailed study of information flow involving DNA and RNA. The course will conclude with a discussion of some contemporary techniques used in recombinant DNA technology.
Prerequisites: BC 360, BC 360L, EN 102, COM 101

BC 362L Biochemistry II Laboratory (1)

Contemporary experiments and simulations involving DNA and other nucleic acid metabolites.
Prerequisites: BC 360, BC 360L, EN 102, COM 101
Corequisite: BC 362

BC 420 Physical Chemistry (3)

A one semester course covering thermodynamics, chemical equilibria and kinetics, quantum theory and applications to chemical bonding and spectroscopy.
Prerequisites: MA 211, BC 324, BC 360 and PHY 252, EN 102, COM 101

BC 430L Instrumental Analysis (2)

This is a lab course during which students are expected to get hands-on experience with modern instrumentation, including but not limited to UV/VIS, FT IR, LC-MS, GC-MS. Following a discussion on the basic principles of each instrument, students will perform specific experiments and gather data from each instrument. Experiments during part of the course designated for topics in NMR spectroscopy will mostly be simulated.
Prerequisites: BC 324, BC 324L, BC 334, BC 334L, EN 102, COM 101

BC 490 Chemistry Seminar I (2)

Special topics in organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, or biochemistry. Reading and discussion of current topics as well as expertise in modern library searching and retrieval methods to obtain information. One oral presentation by each participant required.
Prerequisites: BC 324, BC 324L, EN 102, COM 101

BC 495 Research (3)

Research project (approximately 10 hours per week) performed in Chaminade or other research laboratory under supervision of a practicing research scientist.
Prerequisites: BC 360, BC 260L, EN 102, COM 101