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Bachelor of Science in Special Education 3 + 1 Program for Leeward Community College (K-12, PK-3, K-6, 6-12) (Online Undergraduate )

Students transferring from Leeward Community College will have completed a prescribed set of courses. During their senior year at Chaminade, students in this program will complete 33 credits which include 21 credits of upper-division coursework and 12 credits for student teaching seminar and student teaching. This will be a cohort program run through the Online Undergraduate program and is delivered online. Graduates of this program can be licensed to teach Special Education K-12, PK-3, K-6, or 6-12.

We are providing you with this notice pursuant to 34 C.F.R. 668.43 to inform you that Chaminade University of Honolulu has not made a determination as to whether the curriculum of this program leads to licensure in states outside of the State of Hawaii. If you plan to obtain your license in a state other than the State of Hawaii, please inquire with your state’s licensing agency for curriculum requirements for licensure. You can go to this website NC-SARA Professional Licensure Directory, click on your intended professional licensure, then look for your state and click on their website for more information on the requirements for your professional licensure.

If you are interested in having Chaminade University of Honolulu provide you with a recommendation for licensure in the State of Hawaii only, you must complete your student teaching at a school within the State of Hawaii.

  • Major Requirements to be taken at Chaminade:

    • 5 Upper Division Electives Outside of Major (15 credits); Interdisciplinary Course (3 credits); 300 level Religion Course (3 credits); ED 405 (3 credits); ED 465 (3 credits); ED 490: Student Teaching Seminar (3 credits); ED 468: Student Teaching SPED (9 credits)

    • Meet content knowledge requirement through passing scores for Praxis II or subject-credit eligibility requirements per HTSB guidelines.