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Flex: Online Undergraduate Program Tuition & Fees - Business Office Policies

Tuition Refund Period

  • Before Course Start Date: Tuition and fees are refunded at 100%

  • During Week 1: Tuition refunded at 100%, but associated course fees are non-refundable

  • During Week 2 and after: No refund will be given

Payment Policy

Payment in full is due prior to the start of a class. If there is an amount due when the class starts a hold will be placed on your account (see below).

Major credit cards and debit cards are accepted, as well as bank accounts (checking or savings) and supported 529 plans. There is a service charge incurred with credit card or debit card payments. There is no service charge incurred with bank account payments.

Check and cash payments may be made in person at the Chaminade University Business Office located in Clarence T. C. Ching Hall from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday (closed on Holidays). A $25 fee will be charged for any returned check payments.  Credit card and Debit card payments cannot be made in person.

You have online access to your student account through Self-Service and are able to review your account balance online 24 hours a day. Monthly statements are also prepared for you to summarize your account balance and these are also available through Self-Service.

Withdrawal Credit Policy for the Flex program

Dropping a class before the month that it starts will remove 100% of tuition and associated class fees from your account. You will not have a balance due for this class.

Dropping a class during the add/drop period (the first seven calendar days of the month that the class starts) will remove 100% of tuition charges. However, any associated class fees will remain in your account as fees are non-refundable once the class begins. You will have a small amount due for this class.

Dropping a class after the add/drop period (i.e. after the 7th calendar day of the month) will not affect the balance due for the class. There will be no adjustment to the tuition or fees for the class. You will owe the full amount of this class.

Account hold

A Hard Hold is placed on student accounts that have an amount due after the start of class. This will prevent you from making changes to your class registration and also prevent access to your transcript. This hold will be removed when your account balance is cleared.

A Soft Hold is placed on student accounts that have a payment pending that will clear their account balance. Examples of this would be pending Financial Aid, pending Military Assistance, or a Tuition Payment Plan with timely payments. This hold will prevent access to your transcript, however, you will be able to make changes to your class registration. This hold will be removed when your account balance is cleared.

Tuition Payment Plan

The Tuition Payment Plan has three installments due at the beginning of three consecutive months. The plan uses an AutoPay feature to process your payments which can be made with a Credit Card, Debit Card, Bank Account (checking or savings), or a supported 529 plan. There is a non-refundable enrollment fee, but no monthly finance charges.

For more information on the tuition payment plans, please contact the Business Office at 808-735-4756 or 808735-4898.  You may also email the Business Office at

Flex: Online Undergraduate Program - Student Success and Registrar Policies

Flex Add/Drop Policy

Students may drop a course and enroll in an alternative course through Self-Service or by submitting an add/drop request to their academic advisor at any time during the add/drop period. The add/drop policy is the same for all Flex programs and specific dates are noted in the Flex Academic Calendar. 

Student Success, Proactive Advising, and Early Alert

The Office of Student Success has an early-alert system to route students to academic support when attendance or academic performance is in question. Faculty and staff may raise concerns about students at any point during the academic year and are notified of any action advisors or staff take to support the student. A call for early alerts is issued to all instructors which prompts faculty to raise concerns or acknowledge exemplary student work. Student Success advisors will also be engaging with students and hosting workshops so students can engage in meaningful discussions and meet their classmates.

Attendance and Participation Policy 

Students enrolled in a Flex course will be required to complete a Course Completion Schedule assignment in the first week of their course. This must be turned in no later than the seventh day of the month in which they begin their course. If there are no assignment submissions, including the Course Completion Schedule, by the seventh of the month, students may be administratively dropped from the course and held liable for any associated course fees.

Student attendance and participation in all Flex courses are determined by timely completion of tasks within each lesson. These may include completion of readings, discussions, assignments, and exams. Students in the Flex Standard program are required to complete all coursework within the four-month time frame and students in the 10-week Flex Accelerated program must complete within the 10-week timeframe. Students will respond to faculty initiated discussions while also engaging in student/faculty interactions throughout the course. Students will be assigned the grade earned at the completion of their course section end date, based on assigned work completed and graded at that time. For students utilizing VA benefits, the School Certifying Officer (SCO) will monitor student course completion and adjust certification based on the course completion date. Certifications cannot be extended past the stated term date. 


Students may withdraw without record (WNR) from a course until Wednesday of week 3 of each term, regardless of Flex term. If a student withdraws by this date, the course does not appear on the student’s official transcript. The deadline for withdrawal will be listed in the Flex academic calendar. Students may withdraw from a course with a “W” on the record by the date published in the Flex academic calendar. 

Administrative Withdrawal 

If the Chaminade Online office and/or Flex course instructor confirm that a student has not been substantially academically engaged in a course during the first week of class, the student will be notified that they are at risk of being administratively dropped from the course. If the student remains inactive beyond the seventh day of class, the student will be administratively removed from the class. Please note that this will have the same effect on financial aid as a voluntary withdrawal.

Withdrawals from the University for Medical Reasons

Students who wish to request a medical withdrawal from the University will follow the policy outlined in 

Student Code of Conduct

Students should conduct themselves in a manner that reflects the ideals of the University. This includes knowing and respecting the intent of rules, regulations, and/or policies presented in the Student Handbook, and realizing that students are subject to the University’s jurisdiction from the time of their admission until their enrollment has been formally terminated. Please refer to the Student Handbook for more details. A copy of the Student Handbook is available on the Chaminade website under Student Life.