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Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)

The mission of the Education Division of Chaminade University is to foster the professional development of teachers and educational leaders through programs based in the liberal arts tradition, Catholic Marianist values, current research, and best practice.

The Master of Arts in Teaching provides state-approved teacher education programs leading to initial licensure for teachers in the state of Hawai’i in five areas: Elementary, Secondary, Special Education, Prekindergarten to Kindergarten (PK-K), and Prekindergarten to Grade 3 (PK-3).

If not seeking a Hawai’i state teaching license, teacher candidates may want to find out the teaching requirements for their state of choice.

Program Accreditation
The Hawai’i Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) has approved Chaminade’s teacher licensure programs in Elementary, Secondary, Special Education, PK-K, and PK-3. Hawai’i State Licensure is recognized in 48 other states through reciprocal agreements.



MAT-Elementary Education with Licensure (Kindergarten to 6th grade)

MAT-Special Education with Licensure (Kindergarten to 12th grade)

MAT-Secondary Education with Licensure (6th grade to 12th grade)

MAT-Early Childhood Education with Licensure (PK-3)*

Campus- Based

MAT-Early Childhood Education Montessori with Licensure (PK-K)

*MAT ECE PK-3 is offered online with optional on-campus method courses.

In teaching licensure programs, students have required field experiences at school sites.

Division Contact
Phone Number: (808) 739-4684
Fax Number: (808) 739-4607

Praxis Requirement
This requirement applies only to Master of Arts in Teaching Programs. It does not apply to Master of Education Programs. The Hawai’i Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) requires that all applicants must successfully pass the PRAXIS I Exam or complete a Bachelor’s Degree from a regionally accredited institution before being admitted into any State Approved Teacher Education Program (SATEP). Test information and passing scores can be found on the HTSB website at

In order to verify that you have completed PRAXIS I, an official score report must be submitted to our Division office. Our institution code for PRAXIS is 4105, Chaminade University of Honolulu. If you need PRAXIS I information, please contact an Education Division advisor, or you can register for the test online by visiting

Elementary, Secondary, and Special Education teacher candidates must take the PRAXIS II required exams or have met subject-credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines prior to student teaching. The Special Education Praxis is in Mild and Moderate Disabilities.

For more information on PRAXIS and Hawai’i state licensure requirements, please visit and to view state requirements, test information, and materials.

Field Experience/Observation & Participation
Students can select to enroll in an Observation and Participation (O&P) practicum in an approved educational setting. These field experiences are arranged through the Field Services Director. (See the course descriptions for O&P courses) All education course work including O&P hours must be completed prior to student teaching. Please refer to the Field Experiences Manual on the Education Division website at

Placement for all Observation and Participation field experiences are contingent upon the following:
1. Registration for O&P course(s)
2. Contact Field Services for information pertaining to your placement for O&P
3. Submit the following documents:

• The completed Field Experience Manual FAQ sheet
• Observation and Participation Request form
• TB Clearance
• Active SNEA Membership (liability insurance)
• Criminal History Check

Student Teaching
Student teaching is offered twice a year (July/August to December or January to May/June). Student teaching semester dates are set by Chaminade University’s Education Division, Field Services, and coincide with the Hawai’i State Department of Education calendar. Student teaching is full-time, unpaid work completed under the supervision of a Cooperating Teacher and a University Supervisor in a public or private school. Eligibility to student teach is dependent on the quality of coursework and student disposition over the duration of the program. As student teaching is equivalent to full-time employment as a teacher, any outside commitments (athletics, outside employment, etc.) which will compromise a student’s ability to meet the time and work requirements of student teaching are strongly discouraged.

Student Teaching requirements include:
• Student teaching application
• Three student teaching recommendations from education faculty
• Completion of all course requirements, including O&P assignments
• Excellent O&P evaluation from all methods courses
• No student disposition problems reported by course instructors
• At least a 3.0 GPA in all courses (course grades below “B” must be repeated)
• Verification of passing PRAXIS I or a Bachelor’s degree, and either passing PRAXIS II scores or have met subject credit eligibility requirements per Hawaii Teacher Standards Board (HTSB) Guidelines
• Submission of Graduation Clearance form
• TB Clearance
• Criminal History Check
• Active SNEA Membership
• No active KSD referrals that are unresolved

School Placement
The Field Services Director, in conjunction with local principals, makes and confirms all placements for field experiences. Students are not to seek their own placements. Listed below are the criteria used by Field Services for placement.

Candidate Criteria
1. Verify PRAXIS requirements (or equivalent) are met before placement
2. All required documents are submitted (see Forms section)
3. Verify previous placements; Identify upper/lower grade level (Elementary/SPED) and subject area (Secondary); Ensure varying SES and cultural diversity; Student was given ample opportunities to observe and participate in each classroom setting (Student and teacher O&P Evaluations)
4. Collaboration with principals and school districts
5. O&P Teacher qualifications are met

Cooperating Teacher Criteria
1. Recommendation by the principal as an effective teacher as indicated by the state measurement of student performance 2. Recommendation by the principal as a capable mentor (or receiving mentor training)
3. Have a minimum of licensure and a BS/BA degree in the applicable teaching area
4. Have a minimum of three years of experience

Off-Island Placement

Effective March 24, 2023, HTSB NBI 22-71, “Teacher Candidates who started their Education Preparation Program (EPP) prior to November 19, 2021, and are completing their clinical experience, student teaching, internship, or residency in a school outside the State of Hawaii will have until, June 30, 2024, to complete this portion of their program.”

The Chaminade University policy statement regarding placements via another University is as follows:
1. CUH student inquires with the Field Services Director about placement on the mainland.
2. The student will find a University with an accredited Teacher Education Program willing to supervise and place the student as a courtesy. If the University will not do a courtesy placement, the student will seek out an acceptable placement by directing his/her inquiry to the school district desired.
3. The student reports the results of the findings and gives contact information to Field Services.
4. Upon approval of meeting placement requirements for the pre-service teacher, the student completes all placement requirements at the given school and may have to pay tuition at the host university covering any additional costs for supervision.
5. The University and mentors must meet all requirements expected of them for placement which will include taking responsibility for the evaluation of the pre-service teacher’s performance and professional behavior.
6. Upon completion of the placement, the university and/or mentor teacher submits the evaluation of the student’s performance and dispositions to CUH Field Services.
7. Student is responsible for acquiring video recording devices and taping performances in the classroom, and will submit to CUH for review and approval.
8. A fee payable to Chaminade may apply in order to participate in placements on the mainland. See Field Services for details.

Neighbor Island Placement
Students requesting placement on a neighbor island, follow the same procedures of applying for placement off island. In addition, students may be responsible for:
1. Attendance for all on-ground on hybrid course(s) offered on Oahu
2. Additional fees associated with compensation for mentor teacher and/or supervision

Currently Employed Teacher Placement
Licensure candidates who are currently employed as full-time classroom teachers in a public or private school may submit a request for validation/in-service student teaching. To be considered, candidates must have been teaching in their concentration area for at least one entire semester (six months) and have approval from the school principal and Chaminade University. An application and all requirement materials are still required for those who are applying for validation/in-service student teaching by the due date posted.

During student teaching, a student teaching seminar course will also take place, and teacher candidates will finalize a portfolio that documents achievement of specific skill competencies aligned with Hawai’i State Teacher Performance and Licensing Standards. Successful completion of student teaching is contingent upon successful completion of the seminar and review of the portfolio.