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Course Descriptions

Community & Public Health (HC)

HC 100 Determinants of Health Across Cultures (3)

This course explores social determinants of health including socioeconomic status, education, physical environment, employment, access to health care, health literacy, and social support. The focus is on understanding ways to improve health in vulnerable populations.


HC 200 Health Promotion Across the Life Span (3)

This course develops a deeper understanding of principles of health promotion, risk reduction, and health education across the lifespan. Students will use key indicators for health at various ages that provide the basis for assessing current health risks and health behaviors.  Strategies to reduce health risks at every age are developed and evaluated within the context of current health knowledge.


HC 201 Intercultural and Therapeutic Communication (1)

This elective course introduces communication skills essential for health care professionals. This includes skills required to build professional relationships, establish therapeutic relationships with clients, and collaborate with other members of the community and health care team. Group processes within the context of the health care environment and communication with diverse patients across the lifespan are also explored.


HC 202 Disease and Illness (3)

This course provides an overview of biophysical and psychological aspects of selected chronic diseases.  Emphasis will be on chronic diseases affecting Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and vulnerable populations. Requires concurrent enrollment in HC 202L.

HC 202L Disease and Illness Laboratory (1)

One three-hour laboratory period per week to accompany HC 202. Requires concurrent enrollment in HC 202.


HC 300 Health Education Program Design and Evaluation (3)

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to assess health needs and resources, develop health programs to meet specific needs in selected populations, and to determine appropriate measures to evaluate the effectiveness of health education programs. This course includes an applied learning component.


HC 301 Health Promotion Teaching Strategies (3)

This course introduces fundamental strategies for health science education across the lifespan including needs assessment, conceptualizing instruction, specifying instructional objectives, and planning learning experiences. Students will choose instructional materials, deliver a teaching session, and evaluate the effectiveness of their health instruction in a variety of settings. This course includes an applied learning component.


HC 302 Health Promotion Coaching Strategies (3)

This course introduces foundational concepts and principles for health promotion coaching across the lifespan.  Coaching strategies to promote healthy lifestyle change are utilized as students coach selected clients. This course includes an applied learning component.


HC 303 Case Management (3)

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop the skills associated with effective case management in a variety of settings. This course includes an applied learning component.


HC 304 Telehealth (3)

This course explores the theory, impact, and application of telehealth. Healthcare settings and populations that could benefit from telehealth will be identified. Advantages and disadvantages of telehealth usage in healthcare environments will be discussed.


HC 305 Healthcare Economics and Policy (3)

This course evaluates current topics related to health policy and explores strategies for advocacy in community and public health. An examination of health policies in Hawaii, nationally, and globally will include aspects of emerging health challenges, emergency response plans, and public health funding.

 HC 306 Health Disparities and Indigenous Health (3)

This course explores Native Hawaiian traditional healing practices, and how they can inform community and public health practice.

 HC 307 Data Analytics in Healthcare (3)

This course explores the use of data analytics for quality and performance improvements in community and public health. The application and creation of datasets as well as techniques for data visualization, aggregation, and communication will be developed. Students will gain skills in statistical programming to
perform descriptive and predictive analytics using Microsoft Excel and other resources.

HC 309 Substance Abuse and Addictive Behaviors (3)

This course explores substance abuse issues that include alcohol, prescribed medications, and other drugs.  The public health disease model is applied with an emphasis on psychological, physiological, and social consequences of use and abuse.


HC 399 CHES Prep (1)

This optional course provides a review of the Seven Areas of Responsibilities and Competencies. The focus is on increasing understanding of the concepts covered in the examination and preparing for the CHES examination process.


HC 495 Capstone Applied Project (3)

This course provides an opportunity for observation and work in a variety of community and/or acute care settings under professional supervision. Students will participate for one academic semester in health education, health coaching, and case management activities in an approved agency or organization. This course includes an applied learning component.


HC 498 Special Topics (1-6)

This course is offered periodically. Prerequisites may vary based on course topic. Permission of the Dean and/or instructor consent required for enrollment.


HC 499: Individualized Study (1-6)

Individualized study in community and public health, as determined by gap analysis or degree audit. May be repeated. Requires approval of Dean.